Customer and Accounts

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Customer and Accounts

You now have the ability to setup your accounts based on individual stores within your group.  You also have the ability to select more than one store and allocate them to a group. If you are a individual store or a group that wants to keep the accounts they way they currently are being done from head office then this can be left as default.


It is important to note that if you have existing accounts setup and you would like to use the Store Account Groups then any existing accounts already on your system will need to be manually allocated to the new Store Account Groups created - Shown in the Accounts section of this manual.


Select Customer and Accounts and then select Store Groups.





Create a new group allocating it to a specific store or a group of stores - fill in the information for either the group or for each store individually and save.






If you are a Multi-Store site then select the Stores tab and allocate the store or group of stores you wish to appear when this group is selected when printing statements.






Through Reports > Accounts > Account statements - you will now have the ability to select ether the store or the group through the Accounts Store Group drop down. See reports the Accounts for more information on printing or emailing your statements found in this manual.


